10 Airbnb Welcome Basket Ideas to Delight Your Guests

Lizzie Griffin
Lizzie Griffin

December 18, 2023

“Diane was friendly and quick to respond to my messages and even let us check in early. When we got there we were surprised to find complimentary treats and a handwritten note… I highly recommend Diane's place!”

This comes from one of many 5-star reviews on a property with a 4.97 rating on Airbnb.* Part of Superhost Diane’s secret to success is a little detail many Airbnb hosts and property managers overlook—a welcome basket. 

Surprising your guests with a welcome gift or basket sets you apart from other hosts and ensures their stay gets off to a great start. That means more glowing reviews, repeat bookings, and referrals. 

That’s why, in this article, we’ll give you 10 creative Airbnb welcome basket ideas to help you wow your guests, plus share expert tips for putting together your welcome baskets and curating a memorable, standout experience. 

*Airbnb listing

Welcome baskets aren’t the only way you can wow guests
Customizable digital guidebooks and automated guest messaging are just a few of Breezeway’s features that help you ensure every stay is exceptional. 
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10 Creative Airbnb welcome basket ideas

Suzanne Hacker, vacation rental business coach and CEO and Founder of Welcoming Wow, is a big fan of welcome baskets: “I think it is great when hosts provide a welcome basket, and it’s even better if it matches the theme and locale of the short-term rental.” 

With that in mind, get inspired by these 10 gift ideas that your Airbnb guests will love, helping you bring in better reviews and increase your bookings. 

1. Basic branded basket

You don’t have to go overboard to create a welcome basket that your guests will remember. A simple toiletries kit equipped with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body lotion, sunscreen, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and bottles of water can add a personal touch that shows guests you care. For example, Anthony Russo, who runs a rental at Sugar Mountain, North Carolina, fills a basket with some snacks, K-Cups, tea bags, and a branded car decal. This welcome gift is a warm and friendly extra to make guests feel special and help them remember their stay without breaking the bank. 

Airbnb welcome basket with branded sticker and snacks

A simple gift basket with some branded swag will help ensure your rental stays at the top of guests’ minds for future stays.

2. Special occasion celebration

If you know your guests are traveling for a special occasion, use this as an opportunity to create a special welcome basket. For a birthday, this might look like a little cake and balloons. For an anniversary, you can leave flowers and a bottle of Champagne. Taking this extra care and effort will have a big impact on the guest experience (and will shine through in their reviews). 

3. Beachside getaway

For units located near the beach, take some seaside inspiration when creating your welcome basket. Says Suzanne, “One of my clients has a beach property and puts together welcome baskets that are actually sand buckets for the kids. The buckets also have a small collection jar for beach sand for them to take home with them, plus a couple of plastic souvenir cups and some other small goodies.”

4. Cozy cabin

If your property invites guests to curl up in a blanket by the fireplace with some hot chocolate, give them everything they need to do just that. Diane Kradel of Kradel’s Kabins (the first host we mentioned) says, “I leave a handwritten welcome letter with snacks in a tray, plus a hot chocolate bar (can of whipped cream left in the fridge) and s’mores kit. It’s mentioned in all the reviews so it’s been a hit.”

Airbnb welcome basket with snacks and s’mores supplies

A hot chocolate bar and s’mores kit will help your guests have the coziest possible stay. 

5. Local treats

Take advantage of any products unique to your area to create a welcome basket full of local fare. For example, Mary Skelton Altadonna, who runs the Hobble Inn in Stowe, Vermont, provides her guests with a welcome basket full of Vermont treats, including local maple syrup with pancake mix to accompany it and a brick of Vermont cheddar paired with crackers.

Pro tip: If you have a digital welcome book, include a postcard or thank you note in your gift basket with a QR code guests can scan to pull it up. That way, you can provide them with even more value throughout their stay, sharing your house rules and local recommendations. 

6. Seasonal gifts

If your guests are visiting on a holiday, curate your welcome basket accordingly. A Christmas stay could mean you give them a gingerbread house kit and stock the fridge with eggnog, while some good ideas for a New Year’s Eve booking include a bottle of champagne, party hats, streamers, and confetti poppers (just be prepared for potential extra cleanup if you go this route). 

7. Movie night

Is your projector and surround sound system a selling point at your vacation rental property? Put together a movie night welcome basket for your guests. Host Tera Voss says, “Lately I’ve been doing these little movie night popcorn buckets with some goodies, and every person has made a comment either in my notebook/reviews or in a message saying thank you for the goodies. I think they appreciate it.”

Airbnb welcome basket with movie snacks

Give your guests everything they need for a relaxing movie night in, with popcorn and candy. 

8. Wine lovers

If you’re located in a region known for its wine, provide your guests with a complimentary bottle of wine. While this gift could be on the pricier side, just one repeat booking will more than pay for it. You could also include a branded wine opener, and some carefully selected cheeses and nuts for a little charcuterie board. 

9. Barista basket

Stocking your pantry with a bag of Starbucks Pike Place Roast and a few K-Cups or Nespresso pods is a nice touch, but take things up a notch with a full coffee bar experience for your guests. That means locally brewed whole beans (make sure you provide a coffee grinder), multiple flavors of creamer, and a branded mug they can take home with them after their stay. 

10. Furry friends

If you’re a host that allows pets at your Airbnb rental, consider putting a little Airbnb welcome gift together for your four-legged visitors as well, a detail that’s sure to delight your guests. Some dog treats, a bone, and a small toy will suffice, making this a simple and affordable welcome basket idea that will set you apart and create a great first impression for your guests upon arrival. 

Pro tip:  By making your home pet-friendly, you can attract a wider range of guests and provide a more personalized experience. Download our pet-friendly checklist for essential steps and supplies to ensure that both pets and their owners have a comfortable and safe stay.

Tips for assembling your Airbnb welcome basket

“Whatever you do for your welcome basket, keep your ROI in mind,” says Suzanne. “If you don't have a direct booking website for returning guests, are you providing a welcome basket just to make your guests feel good?”

She highlights the importance of being intentional when creating your welcome baskets: “In my opinion, a welcome basket is a great opportunity for branding and helping your guests re-book. The cost of the items should be figured into your marketing budget, helping you ensure that what you spend on the basket is worth it!”

With that in mind, here are some tips for assembling your welcome baskets and making sure you get the biggest possible business benefit from them. 

Consider your guest’s needs and preferences

You wouldn’t want to give a cheese platter to a vegan or some crayons and coloring book to a business traveler. So be sure to keep your guests at the front of your mind when assembling their welcome basket. 

We’re not talking about your ideal guest here, but rather the actual guest who booked a stay with you. When they make their reservation, ask them a little about who they’re traveling with and what the purpose of their visit is to help guide you when deciding what to include in their welcome package

Make it personalized  

Make sure your guests walk away with something that reminds them of their stay. “Including stickers, cards, cups, or mugs with the name of your rental is a must for branding and helping your guests book direct for future stays,” says Suzanne. 

For example, Breezeway customer Ginger Harrelson of Beachball Properties includes branded swag bags in their welcome baskets, including postcards, chapstick, and an inflatable beach ball. This elevates the guest experience while reminding them who they booked with (and who provided them with an exceptional stay). 

Get creative 

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with your welcome baskets, but you can still have fun with them. While guests will appreciate any surprise gift or treat you leave them, the more creative your gift, the more memorable it will be. 

For example, if you’re a baker, put together a breakfast package with homemade granola and banana bread. Or if you have a green thumb, make a basket full of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and other home-grown produce your guests can cook throughout their stay. Creative welcome baskets don’t have to be a lot of work, either—a craft cocktail kit or curated nut mix can have just as much of an impact. 

Highlight local products 

No matter where your unit is located, there’s certainly some sort of local treat or product you can surprise your guests with. After a long day of travel, guests will be grateful to arrive to a welcoming experience in this new location. Not only will you wow them with local fare they can only get in the area, but you can simultaneously promote other local businesses and partners. 

For example, Breezeway customer Outpost also owns a local coffee shop in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where they operate, and they leave local coffee for their guests to enjoy during their stay. Guests love this treat and, cleverly, it introduces them to the local cafe which they can then visit during their trip.  

Airbnb welcome basket with local Vermont products

Take advantage of products that are native to your area to make your welcome basket memorable for guests. 

Don’t break the bank

You want your welcome basket to be memorable, but you shouldn’t be pouring all your profits into it. For preparing budget-friendly gift baskets, Suzanne suggests you “buy your goodies in bulk and prepare them in advance,” which will help you reduce costs. 

“You could consider having different levels of baskets that guests get depending on length of stay as well,” she recommends. “For instance, you may provide a much more fabulous basket if they stay a week or a month, but something smaller for the short stays. That can help to minimize the cost of the basket.”

Create an unmatched, unforgettable guest experience

Whether you want to bring in more bookings or boost your reviews to achieve Airbnb Superhost status, a welcome basket gift is a little detail that can make a big impact. Use these ideas as inspiration for your own welcome packages, but remember to get creative and keep your guests and their needs in mind. 

And good news: Even if you run a remote team, you can create fantastic welcome baskets and provide an exceptional guest experience with the help of Breezeway. 

For example, you can create detailed turnover checklist instructions for your housekeeping staff to put together your welcome baskets. Plus, the platform’s inventory tracking feature helps ensure you always have the treats and gifts you need so your staff aren’t rushing around last minute to buy extras for your welcome pack. 

As a vacation rental host or manager, you need to stand out from the competition—and a trouble-free arrival with a friendly, caring welcome helps you do just that.

Welcome baskets aren’t the only way you can wow guests
Customizable digital guidebooks and automated guest messaging are just a few of Breezeway’s features that help you ensure every stay is exceptional. 
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